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8i Enterprises Acquisition Corp

  • Ticker JFKKU
    Exchange NASDAQ More
  • Industry Financial Services More
  • Sector Financial More
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  • Based in Singapore, Singapore
8i Capital and related companies are in the business of spotting investment trends and opportunities ahead of the prevailing investment climate, packaging companies and then helping them to grow either through corporate acquisitions or listing. The key is to build and maintain strong relationships with entrepreneurs and business owners, engaging them in meaningful conversations around theirMore businesses so they can seek new growth opportunties and become champions in their respective sectors.
4.8 / 5.0 (88)

8i Enterprises Acquisition Corp reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 88 reviews.

8i Enterprises Acquisition Corp

Most Recent Annual Report

8i Enterprises Acquisition Corp
MOST RECENT 2020 Form 10K
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