Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
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- 51-200 Employees
- Based in Xiamen, China
Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology (NASDAQ: BHAT) is a producer, developer and operator of augmented reality (AR) interactive entertainment games and toys in China, including interactive educational materials, mobile games, and toys with mobile game features. Their mobile-connected entertainment platform enables them to connect physical items to mobile devices through wireless
…More technologies, creating a unique interactive user experience. Their goal is to create a rich visual and interactive environment for users through the integration of real objects and virtual scenery. They believe this combination provides users with a more natural form of human computer interaction and enhances users’ perception of reality, thus providing a more diversified entertainment experience. By leveraging their strong technological capabilities and infrastructure, they are able to deliver a superior user experience and conduct their operations in a highly efficient manner.
4.8 / 5.0 (64)
Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 64 reviews.
Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
Most Recent Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
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