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Mayville Engineering Company, Inc.

  • Ticker MEC
    Exchange NYSE More
  • Industry Metal Fabrication More
  • Sector Industrial Goods More
Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. Logo Image
  • 1001-5000 Employees
  • Based in Mayville, Wisconsin
MEC is an employee-owned company that is highly involved and actively supports the communities in which their facilities are located. Their employees use the acronym PRIDE (Personal Responsibility In Daily Excellence) as a way of creating outstanding value and support everyday for their customers they serve, the communities where they live and as a way of doing business. MEC is well positionedMore for further significant growth even in a challenging economic period from its exceptional financial performance. The products and services that they offer are extensive which allows them to grow in their existing markets and expand into new ones. Investment in state of the art technology and their always improving processes has allowed MEC to continue to grow in a complementary manner.
4.8 / 5.0 (79)

Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 79 reviews.

Mayville Engineering Company, Inc.

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Mayville Engineering Company, Inc.
MOST RECENT 2023 Annual Report and Form 10K

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