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  • Industry Financial Services More
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  • 10,000+ Employees
  • Based in Hanover, Germany
Talanx AG provides insurance and reinsurance products and services worldwide. The company offers life, casualty, liability, motor, aviation, legal protection, fire, burglary and theft, water damage, plate glass, windstorm, comprehensive householders, comprehensive home-owners, hail, livestock, engineering, omnium, marine, business interruption, travel assistance, aviation and space liabilityMore, financial lines, and other property insurance, as well as coverage for fire and fire loss of profits insurance. It also provides bancassurance products; unit linked life insurance, annuity and risk insurance, and long term and occupational disability insurance products; personal accident insurance; and Sharia-compliant retakaful reinsurance products. The company offers property and casualty reinsurance products to retail, commercial, and industrial customers; marine and aviation business; credit/surety businesses; structured reinsurance; and facultative and nat cat business, as well as asset management services. It primarily serves retail clients, industrial enterprises, and small and medium-sized companies through independent brokers, agents, online and direct sales, and banks. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Hanover, Germany. Talanx AG is a subsidiary of HDI Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit.
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