About AnnualReports.com

AnnualReports.com (a division of IR Solutions) is the most complete and up-to-date listing of annual Reports online. We are America's largest annual report service.

  • HCP, Inc.
  • Papa John's International Inc.
  • Splunk Inc
  • Allison Transmission
  • Continental Resources Inc.
  • Minerals Technologies Inc.
  • Umpqua Holdings Corp.
  • Craneware plc

Our directory is a free Internet service that will enable potential investors to review a company's annual report in an easy convenient manner. Presently, investors obtain information on a company or fund by contacting the investor relations department and requesting a copy to be sent via traditional mail or by visiting their corporate web site on the Internet. But if you're researching several companies at once, you can save time by getting free reports from AnnualReports.com.

In today's around the clock society, investors need to be given the opportunity to obtain information instantly. With AnnualReports.com we give our users this opportunity. Our web visitors will be able to log into our annual directory and review corporate information at their convenience.

AnnualReports.com is an easy site to use. Visitors are able to look for a company through 7 search criteria: alphabetically, by company name, by ticker symbol, by sector, by industry, by exchange, and by index. Once a company is found, it can be viewed in either HTML or PDF format and if available order a hardcopy.

IR Solutions (www.irsolutions.com) is the leading provider of online corporate reporting and financial information services. Today, IR Solutions is a leading provider of Web-based solutions for the investment community, offering services that transform the way companies communicate and meet disclosure requirements while assisting investors in managing and leveraging this information.

IR Solutions services include AnnualReports.com, ResponsibilityReports.com, InvestorFactSheets.com, Prospectuses.com, interactive documents, and fulfillment services. Corporate communications professionals from over 3,000 companies use IR Solutions to deliver critical information via interactive and multi-media solutions. Headquartered in Sunrise, FL, IR Solutions has additional offices in New York. For more information, please visit www.irsolutions.com

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